JJH Auto Body & Paint | 1039 S Redwood Rd | Salt Lake Ccity | Utah | 84104
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We thrive on keeping our customers happy by giving them the best quality of work possible. Don’t settle for anything other than quality. Give your car what it deserves: experience and quality. Your repair is in good hands with our qualified, experienced employees and state-of-the-art equipment.
A comprehensive repair involves more than just fixing the damage that can be seen by the naked eye.
Our frame measuring system is a basic sensory device that obtains quantitative comparisons between the benchmark standard for your vehicle and its current state.
We work with all insurance providers and we can help with a wide range of insurance questions. sometimes it may benefit without making a claim, while other times it is much easier to claim repairs on your insurance. If you are not sure whether to file a claim, a JJH representative will be happy to assist you.
Mon-Sat: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday: Closed
1039 S Redwood Rd. Salt Lake City UT, 84104